I have an ambitious summer research agenda as I am trying to finish two articles for submission and pull together a book proposal. As I slog through the material, I plan to post a few gems here along the way.


I Knew We Were Being Lied To, But To This Extent?

“In a 1994 Freedom Forum report on media-corporate relations, 70 percent of business leaders acknowledged being neither candid nor truthful with journalists.”

Overholser, Geneva. “Journalists and the Corporate Scandals: What Happened to the Watchdog?” In Restoring Trust in American Business, edited by Jay W. Lorsch, Leslie Berlowitz, and Andy Zelleke, 145–55. MIT Press, 2004.



Great Theory Article

I had the pleasure of reading a fine theory article by Matt Carlson examining the origins of cultural authority of journalism. He is extending James Carey’s work in a very substantive way.

Carlson, Matt. “Metajournalistic Discourse and the Meanings of Journalism: Definitional Control.” Communication Theory 26, no. 4 (2016): 349–68.